Day 53o: How to LOVE one’s Self … (06/06/2019)

Madeleine, a patron of the Walk who I had first met just south of Lausanne in Switzerland, had contacted me a few days previous and asked to walk with me for a few days. I consented to the same and was scheduled to meet her here in St. Alban. True to the relaxed way of The Way, our scheduled meeting time came & went with no sign of her, and I was starting to think about contingency plans (most of which involved walking on a bit further that night) when fellow pilgrim Len (who I had first met a few nights previous in the refuge-village of La Clauze) decided to try and help me contact her online …

Despite our best efforts, no traditional web-portals presented themselves that afternoon, and yet Madeleine did indeed arrive (right after we had finally obtained permission from a café owner to use his personal laptop, no less) … :O … The three of us hung out awhile together and shared a lovely picnic dinner, and then Madeleine treated me to a hostel bed in which I gloriously slept the day’s adventures away … 🙂

“The second greatest aggression to ourselves is the decision to remain ignorant by not having the humility required to go within and look honestly at our true nature. And yet by far the most fundamental aggression to our Selves — the one that causes the most harm to our own health & happiness — is a very different form of misgiving; namely, it is our choice to remain self-absorbed by refusing to enliven the courage required to actively Care for others without any hope or ambition.” ~ inspired by Pema Chödrön