Day 51j: Thankful for it All … (06/04/2019)

Like life itself, sometimes the Path was steep and rocky and unstable; and other times — like today — it was smooth and soft and firm underfoot. And yet no matter what the conditions — no matter how difficult or easy or smooth or stony, I chose over & over & over again to be thankful for being allowed to live each day; thankful that I was blessed to be able to walk The Way at all … 😉

“Avoid being randomly blown by circumstances or the winds of fate. Search for and find a path that enables you to live a life of Meaning & Purpose, and then set forth boldly upon the same. For in the end no one can save us but ourselves. No one else may and no one else can, for it is we and we alone who must choose to accept our proffered path — and it is we and we alone who must ultimately walk the same.” ~ inspired by Steven Redhead & Buddha