Day 51k: Inviting my Self IN … (06/04/2019)

It was pretty amusing how my normal long-gaited “Scaughdt tempo” had me flowing smoothly by dozens of fellow pilgrims for the first few hours of the day’s walk, while the afternoon’s onset of frozen hips and heavy limping had me ultimately being one of the very last pilgrims to reach the town of St. Privat d’Allier — a town whose residents proved to be far less than inviting (often openly unkind, actually), and yet a town that my hips deeply desired to stay in — and thus a town I entered with a smile nonetheless … 🙂

“The road must be trod — there is no avoiding it, and yet it will be a very hard road indeed. Neither strength nor wisdom alone will carry us far upon it, and as such our great quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. And yet it is oft the course of courageous deeds that move the wheels of the world, and small hands like ours do them because they must, for the eyes of the great are often elsewhere.” ~ inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien