Day 51i: Another pair of Angels … (06/04/2019)

Bolstered no doubt by the amazing connections made back at the Montbonnet chapel, I caught a really good groove for several hours thereafter, flowing smoothly and powerfully along The Way up until about 3pm — when my hip started to freeze up again, which then caused me to begin to limp quite noticeably down the trail … πŸ™

A few fellow pilgrims noticed my distress and asked if I was OK (I always responded with a hearty smile and a heartfelt “Yes, thank you”, of course), and yet it was Alain & Celine (pictured below) — a delightful French couple — who then noticed my distress and literally & loudly (and thereby almost uncomfortably) demanded to help me by carrying the cloth bag that contained my already disrobed sweatshirt and my water bottle … :O

Try as I might to dissuade them from their gracious offer, they would not take anything other than Yes for an answer, and I ultimately relented to their Kindness and allowed them to tote said bag for many a mile — often quite cutely doing so together simultaneously … πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

“The first test of any truly Great man or woman is his or her profound sense of humility. And by humility I don’t mean a self-deprecating lack of faith in one’s power or ability. No, the humility I mean is actually the overwhelming knowing that noble men & women have that the greatness they exude &/or effectuate is not of them or from them, but rather somehow flows through them. These are the noble ones who pass credit along to others, and these are the noble ones who have chosen to see something Divine in every other person they encounter — and as such are the ones who are endlessly and foolishly and wholeheartedly kind towards every single one of the same.” ~ inspired by John Ruskin