Day 50c: Light, again from the Darkness … (06/03/2019)

And onward I walked — slowly-yet-surefootedly through the steadily receding gloom; onward & onward, until sun finally did rise as I entered the riverside town of Brives-Charensac … 🙂

“There exists a universal order in which we each play a distinct role. Light always struggles to emerge from darkness, and each of us is ever the bearer of our own lantern. Some of us choose to carry candles still unlit, while others bear furiously burning torches, and yet we can only truly find ourselves after taking an honest account of which particular light we have chosen to shine. We all instinctively struggle to pierce the darkness of fear and separation — a darkness that shrouds our sense and keeps us from realizing our deeper state of interconnection and Oneness. Indeed, it is choosing to let go of the former delusion in favor of the latter clarity that makes up the biggest portion of both our individual story and our greater communal tale.” ~ inspired by Kilroy Oldster