Day 50d: GOD, too, in the shadows … (06/03/2019)

How interesting it was this morning to be blessed by a number of different sunrises, to realize firsthand that each day begins not when the sun rises its first time at a particular hour or from a specific point on the horizon, but rather that our lives are reborn in every single instant — every time the sun peeks over a mountain or from behind a cloud, every time a sunbeam catches our eye from around a building or from behind a shaded tree. In truth, the sun had already risen for me many times this particular morning when I dove once more into a shaded valley, and was thereby blessed to watch the day begin yet again … 😀

“Those of us who wish to draw near to the Divine should not be surprised when our vision goes cloudy or our skies grow dark, for both are signs that we are approaching the opaque splendor of the interconnected perfection that many call God. And if we decide to keep going beyond the point where our eyes (or even our minds) are any help to us, we finally arrive at the pinnacle of the spiritual journey towards that great & ineffable Light; the harmony of Oneness which can only truly be seen upon the backdrop of a complete and dazzling darkness.” ~ inspired by Barbara Brown Taylor