The “Invisble Footprint” (December 24th)

December 24The Invisible Footprint: Go the entire day today giving back more than you take from every person or place — Give out more food than you consume. Take away all the garbage you personally generate with you in a bag (while attempting to generate as little trash as possible). Do more for others than is done for you … Find creative ways to fulfill this task. Hint: It is more effective to actively “beautify” where you are before you leave than it is to try to leave it “as clean” as when you first arrived.

This one was serendipitously perfect for me,as I am in the process of engaging a cleansing fast. That having been said, I still received much Joy from giving back more than I consumed today, and realized that this practice is “doable” during my “normal” everyday routine as well.

And how did I go about it? Well, even though I am eating no solid foods, I am taking a few vitamin supplements, and when I did so, I went outside and fed the chickens.

And after drinking my teas and watered-down fruit juices, I went outside and watered some plants.

This enabled me to experience the inner harmony that comes when we choose to actively live as a an integrated part of our surroundings. And even though it was the “regular routine” for me to use most of my energy to serve other people &/or humanity in general, it felt great to do so consciously today.

Of course, I wasn’t really giving more than I received, as I have long since become aware of the greater Truth that the one who gives self-sacrificially receives far more from that giving than the receiver does.

Yes, today’s challenge allowed me to experience living in “radical generosity”; a manner of dealing with interactions that brings Peace to every internal moment of doubt …

and smooth resolution to every external conflict.

In-deed, it is by choosing this giving-focused living that makes it possible to be Peace-full with others – which in turn brings us our own deepest sense of Peace.

Giving = Harmony = Realization = Peace

I really in-Joy-ed this day, and intend to to regularly revisit its Way; a wonderful manner of doing my small-but-significant part to Care for the Earth and all life upon it.

See You when I see you …

and until the, Be Now!
