Page 705 … against Oliver

You start your comment by stating, “I am not against Oliver Clyde Allen”, and yet if that is truly the case then who are you against, my Friend?   If that is indeed the case – if you truly are not against Oliver Clyde Allen – then why won’t you humble yourself enough to show him the common courtesy of going to hear him preach?  Sitting in a church pew and listening to a preacher’s sermon does not mean that we agree with everything he or she says therein, and it certainly doesn’t mean that we agree with everything he or she might do or say in the privacy of his or her own home.  After all, every heterosexual preacher you will ever agree to hear almost certainly commits “abominations” in the eyes of the Lord as well*, so why is it acceptable for you to go and listen to them but reject the same offer from homosexual preachers? … Hmmm, a bit of bigotry, perhaps?

D080 OCAllen

* Proverbs 6:16-19 alone lists quite a few of these “abominations” – among them the arrogant judgment of others (“haughty eyes”), the consumption of animals (“hands that shed innocent blood”), those who justify war instead of loving their enemies (“feet that make haste to run to evil”), those – like you & yours – who incorrectly condemn others of sins they are not committing (“a false witness who breathes out lies”), and those who publicly criticize the sins of fellow Christians (“one who sows discord among brothers”).   Indeed, Proverbs 16:5 on its own notes that, “Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord”, and as such, all these verses taken together simply mean that you & yours – along with every other heterosexual preacher that you would ever want to hear preach – are just as guilty of committing “abominations” as any lustful gay man or woman ever could be!