Page 726 … Baptism by FIRE

“The Bible says that God is a God of consuming fire –  He either hallows things or he consumes them with fire.  I didn’t make that up.”


I am well aware that you didn’t make that up, my Friend, and – in case you are interested (and it seems as though you indeed are) – the concept of “fire” in the Bible (especially when used by Jesus) was not a punishing thing or a suffering thing or a damning thing or a killing thing at all.  Rather, it was a CLEANSING thing.  That is why it wasn’t bad when Jesus said that we are all ultimately going to be “salted with fire” (see Mark 9:49), and that it was not a cause for fearful concern when John the Baptist noted that Jesus’ baptism was going to be one of “fire” (see Matthew 3:11 & Luke 3:16), and that it wasn’t cruel or mean-spirited at all for Jesus to say “I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (see Luke 12:49).


You see, Jesus came to bring a message of repentance – a metanoia (Strong’s #3340); a radical change in behavior that first requires that we undergo a painful cleansing process.  It hurts immensely to let go of fear & desire; it hurts immensely to let go of the arrogance & the intolerance that makes us feel special; it hurts immensely to set aside our certainty in our own personal salvation and adopt a stance of purposeful humility instead (see Matthew 18:3-4).  Indeed it “hurts like Hell” to do so – even though to do so is the only way to enter Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven (see John 15:1-6).  So you’re right – you didn’t make up the “fire” mentioned in the Bible; you are merely still choosing to misunderstand it and therefore misinterpret it.


“I baptize you in water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.” ~ Matthew 3:11


“For everyone will be salted with fire.  And this salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it?  By having salt in yourselves, and being at peace with one another.” ~ Jesus Christ (Mark 9:49-50)
