Page 729 … a 3-Point Stance

Primarily because the thousands of verses of Scripture that I have offered in this discussion (and the dozens of still-unanswered questions of import I have posed) have been mostly ignored – along with the fact that this conversation is now over 700 pages long and others may have joined in late or may only have been casually following along, I now offer the following three main moral overviews that encapsulate much of this entire thread; three over-arching Truths that apply to every single argument anyone has made or ever will make herein …

Consider them well – and enJoy:


Truth #01:  While I am doing my best to show that the Bible does indeed offer a far more Loving, far more just and far more peaceful God (which I have already done in resounding fashion), my opponents are fighting to “prove” the existence of a very different God – a God whose “grace” is severely limited, a God whose sense of “love” is disturbingly conditional, and a God whose sense of “justice” is as warped as it is immoral.  And these well-intended folks are doing so even after I have given them thousands of verses of Scripture in this thread alone showing the following very important Truth:



Truth #02:  By clinging to such unnecessarily conservative (and borderline bigoted) interpretations of the Scriptures, my opponents are completely abandoning any hope they might have of themselves one day entering “The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus Christ preached (alone Matthew 18:3-4 + Matthew 7:1-5 assure them all of this fate).   And why?  Merely for the slim chance – even the full-blown guarantee – of going to another “Heaven” after they die; a “Heaven” that, if any semblance of justice & moral decency remains in their Heart after that ascension, will actually feel far more like a nagging version of Hell!

Truth #03:  And even if they do happen to be correct and God does turn out to be the celestial despot they make Him out to be, then every single decent Soul who makes it to Heaven will be morally obligated to rebel against His cruel & unjust ways thereafter – if not at the very least to openly protest His disturbing lack of mercy.   And rest assured, my dear brothers & sisters, if Jesus is even half the man the Gospels portray him to be, then he will be the one leading those very protests, and he will be the one at the very front of that rebellion.


“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring the Good News to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to let the oppressed go free.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 4:18)

Intermission 06