Page 795 … Rising up against the wicked

You then continue on by quoting from Psalm 94:16, which reads, “Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?” … Lucy, I don’t know if you ever will do so, but I do know that I am standing TALL against “the wicked” right this very minute, in this very thread — by defending homosexuals from the persecutions of all those like you & yours who (either via inadvertent ignorance or with intentional intolerance) feel it is their right to publicly condemn gays &/or openly demand their repentance …


Indeed, while I cannot speak for you & yours directly, I can state in all humility that I most certainly am standing TALL against those who “practice iniquity”  – by defending homosexuals from all those like you & yours who falsely claim to be following the teachings of Jesus (but who in reality have subtly discarded the same), and all those like you & yours who replace his admonishments to humbly care & his commandments to perfectly Love with the hard-nosed & hard-hearted laws of the Old Testament (as they were before Jesus came and amended them).


We all have our calls to serve the will of the Divine, Lucy, and mine just happens to be championing The Way of Jesus Christ; openly caring for the downtrodden & boldly defending the persecuted – and this, no matter who those downtrodden or persecuted might be.  Human or animal, man or woman, gay or straight – it really makes no difference to me … Wherever I find injustice or callousness or aggression or bigotry, I will stand up and boldly speak The Way of Jesus Christ as a defense against the same   I have done exactly that in this thread with you & yours, and if doing so has offended you thereby, then I sincerely apologize.  And my doing so certainly hasn’t offended you any more than you are offending homosexuals by incorrectly judging them to be “mortal sinners” &/or condemning their “immoral lifestyle”!

As always, just as I wish for Justice for all homosexuals, I wish for you & yours to know Peace.
