Page 833 … embracing God’s standard

“We simply embrace God’s unchanging standard of morality and dare to differ with those who would assault it, change it, or ignore it.”


How ironic of you to proclaim to follow Jesus Christ then, my Friend, when “daring to differ” is exactly what he did with the “unchanging standard of morality” found in the Old Testament – for he repeatedly “assaulted”, he repeatedly changed &/or he repeatedly ignored almost every single one of the 613 Jewish OT laws at one point or another during his ministry!


As such, quite clearly and indeed without any doubt, Jesus was not a blind follower or even a devout adherent of the Old Testament laws (especially not the cruelly bigoted & barbarically unjust ones like those mentioned in Leviticus 18:22 & Leviticus 20:13), but was rather a courageously radical reformer thereof.  I have proven this Truth to you several times before (most recently on pages 819-823 herein) – where I showed  you & yours the more than 60 times Jesus radically expanded those laws, the more than 40 times he dramatically limited those laws, and the almost 40 times he fully discarded those laws in the Gospel of Matthew alone!


And remember as well, my dear Friend:  Jesus was far more often than not openly opposed to the Pharisees of his day (see Matthew 23 et al) – the same religious leaders who happened to be the staunch keepers of the laws of the Old Testament; the very same laws that you & yours are championing in this very thread!

L493 - JC & Pharisees

Woe to you, Pharisees!  For you clean the outside of your cup and dish, but inside are full of greed and wickedness.  You foolish men! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also?  As such, you should give for alms those things that are within; and see, thereby everything will become clean for you.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 11:39-41)