Page 838 … straight to Jesus

“We are not trying to make gays straight, but rather are trying to take them straight to Jesus, just as we would anyone else ensnared by sin.”


(sigh) … You simply refuse to get it, my Friend.  By you judging homosexuals to be mortal sinners, you are not only essentially creating Scripture that does not exist, but you are actually promoting a teaching that violates The Way of Christ – and thereby takes yourselves further away from Jesus while you do so!


Please consider the following three facts:


*Fact #01) For you to openly profess to have an objective knowledge as to what the Bible “actually says”, who Jesus “truly was”, or how God “really is” (an objective knowledge not possessed by the 2/3 of the human population who are not Christians, by at least 2/3 of all Christians who believe differently than you do, and by the vast majority of biblical scholars, no less) is to evince a level of arrogance almost beyond compare, and certainly displays a level of arrogance upon which Jesus quite firmly frowned (see Matthew 18:3-4).


*Fact #02) At least according to the Scriptures – and regardless of your personal beliefs to the contrary, HOMOSEXUALITY itself – ISNOTASIN (I say again for the umpteenth time) … And the funny thing is, you yourself have already admitted this fact twice in this very thread!  … On June 16th, after I asked you whether you believed in a literal reading of Leviticus 18:22 & Leviticus 20:13 (and whether you knew that nowhere in the entire Bible – in either those verses or anywhere else – did any passage condemn homosexuality itself in any way), you responded by saying: “No one said that being gay is a sin. THE SEXUAL ACT IS!” (see page 118 previously) … And the very next day (June 17th @2:41 your time), after I had just informed another thread participant that Oliver Clyde Allen & his husband Rashad aren’t sinning at all as long as they aren’t engaging in lustful sex, you interjected and said, “Fine Scaughdt, if they are not partaking of the sexual act then they have done nothing wrong” (see page 122 herein)!


*Fact #03) You have also admitted on a number of occasions (including in this very comment) that you yourself are a repetitive sinner as well, which means that for you to be criticizing, cajoling or in any way calling out the sins of others is patently double-faced – exuding a hypocrisy that Jesus specifically warned us all not to engage (see Matthew 7:3-5 + Matthew 23:25-26 + John 8:7 et al).
