Myth #69: “But of we don’t breed them, they will go extinct.”

It is indeed true (sadly) that several species of farmed animals have been bred (and recently even genetically manipulated) to be efficiently used as commodities by us humans. And it is also true that one of the reasons behind the continued existence of these species is humans’ continued breeding of them for selfish and ultimately violent ends. As such, the argument can indeed be made that if we stop using (and abusing) these species, that they will indeed possibly eventually go extinct.

Of course, as with every other rationalization given for animal abuse, this one fails miserably as well … Consider the following:

*First, realize that it is impossible for a species to “go extinct” that was not created via the process of natural evolution. In addition to this fact, realize as well that it is also the case that each & every generation of farmed animals bred for human consumption does indeed “go extinct” — every time it is collectively sent to slaughter; thousands upon thousands of generations of animals gone forever, only to be continually replaced by the next line of prisoners in the endless assembly line of human greed & selfish brutality.

*Second, how arrogant for anyone to believe that just because we humans would stop using farmed animals for food & clothing that these animals would automatically stop breeding on their own in manageable quantities! Yes, the perversely massive herd-sizes that we see today would dwindle gradually to sustainable numbers, and yet there is nothing to say that these species — if allowed to exercise their inalienable right to pursue life & liberty & happiness — wouldn’t indeed continue to find mates and bear young and care for their families. There wouldn’t be as many of these animals, true enough, and yet they would indeed still be here — not for us to use & abuse, of course, but rather for us to cherish as companions.

*Finally, and by far most importantly, even if this were the case; even if farmed animals would gradually go extinct were we to stop using them for our own selfish ends, that is no justification whatsoever for systematically murdering them merely so that they can continue to fulfill those superficial & selfish purposes. How disturbingly — indeed, how repulsively — ironic it is that meat-eaters profess a concern over the survival of species that they themselves are artificially breeding, and that they themselves are then only allowing to reach the age of adolescence before sending to a most brutal slaughterhouse end!

As such, please take a moment to take an honest look at the images below — one pair representing what death would look like for animals allowed to live out their lives naturally, and the other pair showing what death looks like for the millions & millions of adolescent farmed animals who are brutally slaughtered every day …

After looking at these pictures for only a few seconds, it is quite clear to me that it would be far better for animals to peacefully “go extinct” than continue to be bred into a life of callous confinement and malicious murder … And I have very little doubt that every single cow & every single pig (& every single chicken & every single turkey & every single goat etc) in existence today wholeheartedly agrees.



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In conclusion, be not fooled — animal agriculture is not a conservation movement, and animal agriculture does not factor the survival of species or the ecological sustainability of its practices into its decision-making.   No, my Friends, animal agriculture is about maximizing profit — maximizing profit at the expense of the incredible suffering of millions upon millions of our innocent, sentient animal cousins. And as such, in the end, we need not be concerned about the extinction of farmed animal species at all. Rather, we should be focusing our efforts & our energies on making animal agriculture itself — once & for all — finally go extinct.

Current status of this Myth: Vaporized
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE


“If you knew your life would be defined by enslavement, mutilation, sexual violation, reproductive control, the theft of your offspring, and a violent slaughterhouse end in your youth, what would be the advantage of being born?” ~ Free From Harm

“Animals — even the ones we have bred for specific purposes — are not here for us to use as we wish. Rather, animals are here to help us remember what we have long since forgotten; they are here to help us remember how to look and listen in a different way; they are here to help us remember how to live from the Heart.” ~ unknown