Myth #68: “But if we don’t kill them, they’ll starve to death.”

First of all, the world is not going to go vegan overnight. It is going to gradually occur due to a gradual shift in consciousness that is going to gradually build in both frequency and popularity; a tempo of Awakening to which the populations of all domesticated animals will be able to easily adjust. Less & less animals will be bred into enslavement & torment, and more & more of the remaining animals will therefore actually have more & more plant-food with which to nourish themselves.   As such, barring any unforeseen climatic disaster (that will be much less likely to occur in a vegan world, by the way), there will be no “mass starvation” whatsoever.

And besides, even if we were to go completely vegan overnight (which would be AWESOME, if for no other reason than doing so would stop the imminent climate catastrophe from wiping out a sizable chunk of the populations of all species – include us humans) and if there were farmed animals that starved as a result, they would have a far better life and a far less cruel death than the “lives” and deaths they are being forced to endure today as slaves to the meat & dairy industry.

It’s not really rocket science, my Friends — If given the choice, every single sentient animal in existence would without a doubt choose a longer life of freedom that ended in starvation over a shorter life of suffering that ended in a violent slaughterhouse murder … Let us learn to respect those most reasonable wishes.


Current status of this Myth: Quelled
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

How about you decide — THIS


… or THIS?


(Hint: This is actually a VERY easy decision to make.)