Myth #70: “But if we don’t cull them, they’ll take over.”

Despite being one of the more popular non-vegan myths, this one simply makes no sense whatsoever. As more & more people inevitably continue to shift to a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle (yahoo!), less & less animals will be bred for slaughter, and herd populations will gradually decrease over time … It’s really that simple.

Indeed, even if we went completely vegan overnight and immediately stopped mass-breeding cows & pigs & chickens for slaughter, we would simply need to use the space & feed that is already available to allow our farm-animal friends live out their lives naturally.   Herd sizes would naturally dwindle within the 15-year lifespan of the current farmed animal generation, and an easily managed peaceful co-existence with their downsized populations would be enjoyed thereafter.

In closing, it is important to remember that “Mother Nature” does a really good job of balancing herd sizes with her own environmental resources, and has been doing so brilliantly for billions & billions of years before we humans showed up and started trying to make things “better”. It is indeed the height of arrogance to assert that She would need our help in encouraging the world’s cow, pig & chicken populations to reach sustainable proportions — especially in light of how our species has really screwed things up for everyone else over only the past few centuries.

Maybe it’s finally time for us to truly start minding our own business …
… I know the animals sure wouldn’t mind.


Current status of this Myth: Razed
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

70b riiiiiggghhht


70c animal taeover

