Myth #04: “You vegans are so arrogant & judgmental.”

I can only speak for myself, of course, and yet there is a huge difference between arrogantly championing personal desires at the expense of others health & well-being, and courageously championing the rights of others at the expense of one’s personal ease & comfort.  Just because a vegan is adamant about the rights of the downtrodden does not make him or her arrogant, and just because a vegan judges an action as cruel does not mean that he or she is judging the person committing that act.

Yes, true vegans are indeed zealous about dismantling injustice, and yes, true vegans are in-deed determined to quash animal cruelty. And yet true vegans are also passionate about compassion — compassion for every sentient being; including those humans who support the horrific barbarism of the meat & milk industry.

While I will always respect a non-vegans right to choose, if they wish for me to openly respect their choices, then they need to make choices that are respectful of the lives of others. “Live and let Live” is no defense when one’s choices support slavery, torture & murder, and “Don’t judge me” serve as no shield when one’s actions patently judge other beings to be less worthy of life or happiness.

It isn’t judgmental to point out the simple fact that to support animal farming is always to also support immense cruelty to innocent beings. It isn’t arrogant, it’s accurate, and if you don’t like it there is only one appropriate place to point your accusatory finger … in a mirror.


Current status of this Myth: Toppled
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

04a soooo superior

04z live & let live

04b no-judgment

04zz really?

(P.S.  As you can well imagine, the animals have much more positive opinion of vegans.)

04c animals opinion counts