Myth #05: “The suffering of animals doesn’t bother me.”

Your choice to refuse to empathize with the suffering of others is nothing to brag about, and actually runs fully contrary to the greater moral awareness with which we are all born, and indeed the fundamental moral awareness we all still possess within us to this day. Even if this knowledge is repressed later in adulthood, every child knows full well that all sentient beings deserve to be treated with the same basic expressions of justice & basic expressions of respect.

And deep within, you too know that this is true. Deep within, you know that it is not right to cause other beings to suffer merely to satisfy your own desires for pleasure, amusement or comfort … Indeed, if you do not recognize these things, then you have chosen to live as a sociopath; a hopefully erroneous judgment about you that I personally will never be willing to make. No, I will instead go to my grave erring on the side of believing that deep down – past the thick veneers of societal & cultural indoctrination – you too know what is right and good and decent; that you too know that even if we don’t happen to like the members of a particular species – or think they are attractive, or want to play or cuddle with them, or even choose to respect their unique expressions of intelligence or their palpable desires to live – that you too know that there are still fundamental standards of correctness & decency that simply must be shown to all our fellow sentient beings.

Indeed, justice is for everybody; not merely for those we happen to like or those for whom we feel affection. My Friends, all species of animals – human & non-human alike – have the same basic right to live free from all forms of exploitation & all forms of violent abuse. Please wake up to this fact …

… and then please act accordingly.


Current status of this Myth: Illuminated
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

05a non-vegan is siding with evil

05b absence of empathy is the harm

05c cruelty ok as long as

05d indifference sucks

05e vegan-for-conscience

05z speak UP