Myth #03: “Stop pushing your beliefs on me.”

Vegans are not the ones spending billions of dollars on advertising that incessantly shoves lies into our faces every day – That is the meat & milk industry … Vegans are not the ones trying to manipulate us into filling our bodies with the dead carcasses and carcinogenic secretions of imprisoned animals – That is the meat & milk industry … Vegans are not the ones trying to get us to continue ignoring our conscience by meekly looking away from the horrific cruelties being inflicted upon innocent beings by the millions every day – That is the meat & milk industry … And vegans are not the ones arbitrarily deciding that the immense suffering of farmed animals are not as important as their own personal pleasure – That is you.

So if you are the ones telling vegans to stop pushing their beliefs on you, it seems to me that you are confused as to who is pushing whom.


The truth is, we vegans are not pushing our beliefs on you at all … That farmed animals are confined and abused is not a belief – it is a fact. That it is completely unnecessary for humans to eat animal products to live longer & healthier lives is not a belief – it is a fact. That you paying for animal products directly prolongs the massive suffering & insane injustice of the meat & dairy industry is not a belief – it is a fact.

In conclusion, we vegans are not telling you what to eat. We are only apprising you of what you are already eating … We are not telling you what to support. We are merely informing you what you are already supporting … We are not telling you what to do. We are simply reminding you of what you are already doing.

Current status of this Myth: Disqualified
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

03b nosy-vegans


03e what?1

03d knife dow the thraot

03c kills others