finding real LOVE … (05/28/13)

What LOVE Is …

LOVE is not a grasping for what we wish, nor is it a clinging to that which we already possess. LOVE knows nothing of trust or hope or promises or demands …

No, real LOVE is about Caring FOR others without caring at all about how they care for you (or don’t care about you) in return.

Real LOVE does not a push away our enemies, and real LOVE does not close its grasp around our friends.

No, real, deep, pure, Soul-shaking & Earth-transforming LOVE simply accepts whatever comes and then chooses to Love it; doing whatever “little good” it can in the little slice of eternity it has been given to do it in.

Real LOVE doesn’t shackle others with commitments or contracts or conditions. Real LOVE simply embraces those in our midst with both palms gently open — allowing them to leave whenever they wish, and giving them a place to pause in calm whenever they are weary.

LOVE just keeps Loving – Loving others while they roost in our gentle embrace, and Loving others even after they depart for places other.

LOVE knows that there is no such thing as a “small act of Kindness”, and so it showers everyone in its path with the same.

And LOVE knows that every sentient being is walking a road filled with dread & danger — and that we ALL need a place to pause in softness.

LOVE lives to provide others with that place …

So … got LOVE?