Addiction #04 – Sugar (05/28/12)


Addiction #04 – the challenge of SUGAR

“Television sugar-pushers tell us about their products that are ‘made from natural ingredients’. Of course, the word ‘from’ is not accented on television. It should be … Even refined sugar is made from natural ingredients … But that four-letter word ‘from’ hardly suggests that 90 per cent of the cane and beet have been removed. Heroin, too, could be advertised as being made from natural ingredients. The opium poppy is as natural as the sugar beet. It’s what man does with it that tells the story.” ~ William Dufty

We all know that sugar is bad for our health, but just how bad is it? And is it really addictive?

To make this simple, the answers to those questions are – REALLY BAD and YES!

There is no question that sugar is a killer when regularly ingested. The question is what might it take to enCourage you to cut back on your sugar consumption or, much better yet, stop eating sugar completely.

In the interests of brevity, I will not bore you with the details about how eating sugar causes tooth decay, or how sugar intake leads to intense weight gain, or even how sugar consumption has been linked to the major diseases of diabetes, cancer and heart illness.

I won’t tell you how refined sugar is lethal to humans because it only provides “empty calories” – that people and animals who eat only sugar die much faster and experience far more debilitating pain than those who die from eating nothing at all.

I won’t tell you much about the over-acidic condition that sugar produces in your bloodstream that sucks needed minerals from the rest of your body – eventually causing your bones and teeth to become brittle and your whole body to become weak.

I won’t tell you the particulars about how eating sugar makes your liver expand like a balloon, and that once it can’t expand anymore, the liver spits out excess glycogen into your bloodstream in the form of fatty acids, which are then carried to every part of your body – stored first in its relatively inactive parts (belly, buttocks, breasts & thighs), but then being stored in your active organs as well (namely your kidneys and your heart).

And I won’t tell you the finer points about how eating sugar damages your immune system, nor will I go into any detail on how “even one lump of sugar in your coffee after eating a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter” – or how “drinking one soda with your French fries is enough to turn your stomach into a still” (William Dufty).

What I WILL tell you is that ingesting sugar also intensifies your body’s production of adrenalin, and that there has been a sound scientific link established between adrenal gland dysfunction and pathological mental states (see the research of John Tinterra, if interested, though doctors all over the world are currently verifying his findings) … In essence, eating sugar can make you go crazy.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY of all, the adrenalin spikes that always come when we eat sugar send our bodies into the self-preservative psychological mode of “fight or flight” – a state of being where real intimacy and caring compassion become both impossible to powerfully express, and impossible to purely experience.

Fortunately for us all, there are many alternative “sweets” that will not kill us when we eat them … but more on those later.

For now, it is enough that you have the information needed to make your own conscious decision on how you will live from here on out … Peace-fully without sugar, or lethargically (and ultimately painfully) with it.

“My advice is to give up stevia, aspartame, sucralose, sugar alcohols like xylitol and malitol, and all of the other heavily-used and marketed sweeteners — unless you want to slow down your metabolism, gain weight, and become an addict.” ~ Mark Hyman

“If Obama really wanted to make radical changes to America’s long-term health, all he has to do is treble the price of sugar …” ~ Jamie Oliver