Addiction #03 – Caffeine (Part 2 … a Solution) 05/29/12


Addiction #03 — COFFEE (Part two – A WAY OUT)

“[The coffee industry] benefits from … our dependence on their product to make us feel good, by having us forget that we were feeling Good in the first place.” ~ Naisah van Vliet

You might think that you don’t drink enough caffeine to become addicted, and yet you probably already are. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has shown that even moderate caffeine intake (as little as one mug per day) quickly produces withdrawal symptoms.

I’m afraid that the only way to save your Self is simply to quit.

Fortunately, if you are ready to quit caffeine, there is an easy way: DRINK SOMETHING ELSE! And fortunately, there is also an easy way to transition from beverages that are caffeinated to those that are not – a way that consists of five simple steps.

Step 01) RECOGNIZE your urge to inject caffeine into your system …

Step 02) REALIZE where this urge comes from (your ego’s fears) …

Step 03) THANK your ego (and its addictive tendencies) for doing its best to keep you “safe” and “happy”. Even though it’s doing so in a way that is killing you, it really is doing the best it can to help you …

Step 04) REASSURE your ego that you are not quitting caffeine forever; only for one moment … That will help it to relax and allow you to engage the all important —

Step 05) After making a cup of tea (or drinking a glass of water or fruit juice), go forth and BE KIND. Do something – anything active – that is designed to bring another person Peace or Joy. For as long as you continue to do so, you will be completely free of your addiction to caffeine.

And once you manage to perform these 5 Steps once, all that remains is for you to live your life joyfully until your next caffeine-craving comes — and then choose to do them again (& again & again & again).

The more often you do so, the easier it will become to choose your Soul over your ego, your Love over your fear, and your Kindness over your addiction.

Happy trails, my Friends!

“My only recourse is giving up coffee. Only then will I be able to break my caffeine addiction. Only then will I cease being sluggish by mid-afternoon. Only then will my body revert to its normal state of awesomeness.” ~ Kev