Addiction #04 – Sugar (Part 2 … a Solution) 05/28/12


Addiction #04 — SUGAR: a Solution …

“Foods high in bad fats, sugar and chemicals are directly linked to many negative emotions, whereas whole, natural foods rich in nutrients – foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes – contribute to greater energy and positive emotions.” ~ Marilu Henner

I realize that I could sum up this particular post by simply encouraging you to “eat healthy”, but you already know that this is a good idea.

So instead, here are few tips to make doing so a bit easier …

*TIP #01 – GO VEGETARIAN … When you eat meat, your body craves sugar, and vice versa. In fact, it can be quite unhealthy to have this balance be too far out of alignment. So, as you steadily reduce your sugar intake, reduce the amount of meat you eat as well. Ideally, one would simply cease eating both altogether – better for you, better for the animals, better for the world. If you happen to be vegetarian already, first of all – thank you, and secondly, be extra careful with your intake of sugars, as their detrimental effects will be heightened for you.

*TIP #02 – EAT SMART … Your body works best in certain rhythms and your digestive system works best when you combine your foods properly. For starters, eat a healthy, moderate breakfast, and if possible always start with a bit of fruit. Do not eat any sweeteners at all during breakfast and make sure there is a noticeable break between eating your fruit and any other food that might follow. Fruit should be eaten raw and should not be mixed with anything else. During the day, eat moderately and always at regular intervals, being sure to include some sort of non-meat protein (nuts, seeds, legumes, avocados, spirulina, etc.) … In the evenings,

*TIP #03 – FIND HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES to sugar … Make or buy cookies or cakes sweetened with rice syrup or barely malt, eat manna bread &/or drink oat milk (both have a subtle sweet taste), or use a bit of raw honey or maple syrup in place of your sugar (but not too much). Carrots & sweet potatoes also give you a taste of sweetness without the harms of sugar.

Note: Brown sugar is NOT a healthy alternative … It is simply white sugar colored with molasses.

Note: More & more stores are waking up to the fact that thousands upon thousands of their customers are waking up too – to the very real dangers of ingesting processed sugars. At the same time, many food manufacturers are fighting this healthy trend by cleverly disguising their sweeteners – so be sure to READ LABELS when you shop, and only buy foods where it is clear that no sugars are present or where the words “No Sugar Added” are clearly printed on the packaging.

*TIP #04 – TRY TRACE MINERALS … Craving sugars & sweets is often a symptom of chromium &/or vanadium deficiency, so try taking mild colloidal doses of these to combat the same.

*TIP #05 – ALTER YOUR CARBS … Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can literally change the quality of your life. Shift from white flour to whole grains (the 9 “Wonder Grains” are buckwheat, millet, amaranth, oats, barley, quinoa, kamut, spelt, & wild rice), and feel your cravings diminish. Bread from sprouted grains is also a nice alternative.

*TIP #06 – ALMONDS … Keep a small tin of almonds on hand for those times when your sugar cravings hit hardest. Almonds have a mild sweetness to them and are extremely good for you.

*TIP #07 – EAT SOUR … Sour foods such as lemons, plain yogurt and some fermented foods (like sauerkraut or Kim chi) have been shown to curb sugar cravings.

*TIP #08 – FOLLOW the 5 STEPS … Fighting your addictions means fighting your ego, and fighting your ego almost always means losing, and succumbing anew to your addictions thereafter. As an alternative, you can engage the ego in a non-threatening way that will make it MUCH easier to succeed.

Step 01) Pause in the moment, and RECOGNIZE your urge to eat sugar …

Step 02) REALIZE where this urge comes from (your ego’s fears) …

Step 03) THANK your ego (and its addictive tendencies) for doing its best to keep you “healthy” and “happy”. Yes, I know, it is actually killing you in the process, and yet it is doing the best it can, so we can be Kind to it …

Step 04) REASSURE your ego that you are not quitting sugar forever; only for this one moment … That will help it to relax and allow you to engage the all important —

Step 05) After eating one of your healthy alternatives, immediately go forth and BE KIND. Do something – anything active – that is designed to bring another person Peace or Joy. For as long as you do so, you will be completely urge-free, and at least in these moments, you are no longer an addict.

If you can manage to perform these 5 Steps just one time, then all that remains to beat your addiction is for you to simply live on joyfully until the next sugar-craving comes, and then engage the same 5 Steps again (& again & again & again).

The more often you do so, the easier it will continue to become to choose your True Self over your ego, your Love over your fears, and your Kindness over your addiction.

“Human researchers are fascinated by the behavior of lab rats in response to food rewards, but few humans are willing to closely examine their own behavior in relationship to sugar.” ~ unknown

“Those who fail to take the time to be healthy will ultimately have to take the time to be sick.” ~ Dr. James Chappell