Day 097s: Samos freshly Sighted … (July 20, 2019)

The day had been a long & arduous one, physically as well as emotionally to be sure, and yet even had The Way been ever smooth and joyful, nothing could have dulled the stirringly Soul-deep sense of Peace that comes to all who first round that fateful bend on The Way and catch their first […]

Day 097t: No more room at the Inn … (July 20, 2019)

The monastery drew me down into its valley and steadily to its door. I had experienced great Peace here 11 years ago on my first Camino pilgrimage, and had heard great things about the place from many along my current Walk. And yet when I arrived at its wonder-resplendent doors, I found them closed, with […]

Day 097u: Dismissed as well in the Stables … (July 20, 2019)

I made my way around the back of the monastery to the municipal albergue located at its back. For whatever reason I was certain that this was to be a place of solace and honor – the former for my weary feet & tired Soul, and the latter for my message of Love & Peace. […]

Day 098a: Waking up to a Wonder … (July 21, 2019)

It was a loooooong slumber indeed (all the way to 4am) that brought me to my next new day, and I awoke to a most pleasant surprise – in the form of an anonymous gift that had been offered by a fellow pilgrim(s) in the night; a gift that took the form of 2 peaches […]

Day 098b: Into the still-dark Morn … (July 21, 2019)

There is something truly magical for me about walking reverently – quietly & calmly & attentively – into the still-dark freshness of a newly birthing day … “Of course the world is sacred; full of numina – what many people from many cultures have & still do call gods. And while some would give the […]

Day 098c: Awakening to Who we once Were … (July 21, 2019)

“Real faith is about doing; how you are choosing to act, not merely what you choose to believe. With this in mind it is crucial to regularly remember that we are all born as divine children of Love’s most wonderful secret – and that we are all on a journey to return to that glorious […]

Day 098d: To walk Up upon Oneself … (July 21, 2019)

“As I have experienced it, landscape projects onto us not like a mere jetty or peninsula, but instead as a bold ray of sunlight, sometimes flickeringly unmappable, and yet always both quickening and illuminating. Many of us are adept, if not also occasionally embarrassed, at saying what we make of particular places, and yet few […]

Day 098e: To walk IN Beauty-full places … (July 21, 2019)

“There are beautiful places literally everywhere; we simply have to travel with a beautiful Heart.” ~ Bhuwan Thapaliya “The wandering essayist Jacques Reda reminds himself before he leaves his apartment every Sunday morning to see at least one new thing with every long stroll . In this way, he has learned to more fluidly notice what […]

Day 098f: Life’s most sacred Souvenir … (July 21, 2019)

I passed through several small, still-sleepy hamlets before rounding a gentle bend and coming upon Isabel’s lovely little coffee stop. I was fully enamored by the warmth emanating from the same and walked quietly into its snuggly courtyard, intending only to snap a few photos and be on my peaceful way. And yet Isabel saw […]

Day 098g: Rediscovering YOU … (July 21, 2019)

“One fine day, it will be your turn as well. You will leave your homes, your cities and maybe even your countries to pursue grander ambitions. You will leave behind friends and come to remember that there lives a Soulmate in every stranger. You will leave behind lovers and remember how to Love. You will […]

Day 098h: Another newfound Friend … (July 21, 2019)

For all their reputation as being rage-filled, territory-harboring, limp-souled lunatics, I personally had mostly positive encounters with the dogs I encountered along the Camino – with this day’s canine meetup being one that was especially sweet … “Faithful and loyal and true, you share in our sorrows and rejoice with us in our triumphs, the […]