Day 098g: Rediscovering YOU … (July 21, 2019)

One fine day, it will be your turn as well. You will leave your homes, your cities and maybe even your countries to pursue grander ambitions. You will leave behind friends and come to remember that there lives a Soulmate in every stranger. You will leave behind lovers and remember how to Love. You will in that fresh new day choose to boldly roam your world. And you will have the courage to make deeper connections while you wander. And both your world and your heart will grow just a bit bigger thereby. On that greater journey you will set aside your selfish longings and defy your self-centered fears. You will hold your head high and do what you once thought unthinkable – you will walk into the unknown and brazenly care for all encountered there. Yes, it will be terrifying – at first. And yet what you will inevitably find – as long as you persist in your going – is that in leaving behind the old & the familiar, we don’t just rediscover real love and true freedom. More than anything at all, we come to rediscover ourselves.” ~ inspired by Paulo Coelho