Day 098b: Into the still-dark Morn … (July 21, 2019)

There is something truly magical for me about walking reverently – quietly & calmly & attentively – into the still-dark freshness of a newly birthing day …

Of course the world is sacred; full of numina – what many people from many cultures have & still do call gods. And while some would give the same names and worship them outright as separate entities – the holy rivers and the sacred springs and the terrifying stormclouds and the gasp-inducing sunrises; all of which in one way or another combine to reflect what many still call the Father God, it must be now clearly true that these aren’t conscious individuals with whom we can pragmatically interact. And yet even though our encounters with surrounding & happenstance are almost exclusively immune to our whims or wishes or pronouncements or prayers, they most certainly are bound to us at our core, and as such are indeed directly & profoundly influenced by where we choose to walk and how we choose to do so.” ~ inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin