Day 098a: Waking up to a Wonder … (July 21, 2019)

It was a loooooong slumber indeed (all the way to 4am) that brought me to my next new day, and I awoke to a most pleasant surprise – in the form of an anonymous gift that had been offered by a fellow pilgrim(s) in the night; a gift that took the form of 2 peaches and a banana that someone had quietly placed in my smock while I slept. The kindness itself proved to be even more nourishing than the fruit itself, and I entered the morning with a renewed faith in both my mission and humanity in general – a faith I was grateful to quietly (so as not to wake any others) share with fellow early-rising pilgrim Damian* before setting back out onto The Way …

“We must work for the good and commit ourselves to postures of global selflessness, even if we can’t figure out all the details surrounding the foreign dictators, food shortages, and fair trade. We’re called to lean in, to work as hard as we can toward the good, and then trust in God who says, ‘The way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.’ We’re called to be witnesses of how God is at play in the world.” ~ Holly Sprink

*If I were forced to lay a wager on the matter, I would have bet that either Damian or Beatrice – with both of whom I had shared much kindhearted conversation the evening before – were responsible for the aforementioned act of altruism.