Day 110g: Peace is in the Acceptance … (August 17, 2019)

On the positive side, I did smoothly find the Edison Public Library. On the negative side, it had just closed a few minutes before my arrival (and no one inside would open up for my firm but respectful knocking. On the positive side once more, neither my gratitude nor my happiness were in any way […]

Day 110h: The gifts that keep on fading … (August 17, 2019)

No sooner did I make it back to Highway 1 than a sidewalk blessedly appeared, and no sooner did I rejoice fully in that appearance than it decided to fade away once more … “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk gently & attentively on the green earth, dwelling […]

Day 110i: The conscience of the Cause … (August 17, 2019)

I know it was only a penny I then found on the roadside, and yet it still meant something thick and powerful that I fluidly and purposefully gave away the same … “Possessions themselves are not the problem, it is our relationship with possessing them … Manifest plainness. Embrace simplicity. Dismiss selfishness. Entertain few desires […]

Day 110j: No Oligarchy to the rescue … (August 17, 2019)

On & on & on I ambled, sometimes along Highway 1’s wider shoulders, sometimes upon its roadside trails that were almost nonexistent. I had walked quite a ways it seemed, all the way to the outskirts of New Brunswick, when I suddenly became extremely dizzy, and even thought I might pass out on the spot. […]

Day 110k: Another fine familial Feast … (August 17, 2019)

Onward I ambled along Highway 1’s still-rude shoulders, until I saw a Chili’s restaurant that beckoned for some water and a brief rest. I explained my Pilgrimage to the hostess on hand, who then explained the same to her manager, who then told me to sit in a booth for as long as I needed. […]

Day 110l: Another day done; another pilgrim Down … (August 17, 2019)

Highway 1 was less traffic-laden by the time I started walking back down its zooming route, and yet it was still highly unpleasant treading. Even the glorious sunset was hard-pressed to offer me any lasting solace. Fortunately, I soon spotted two couples hanging out in a highway-side mall parking lot and they told me how […]

Day 111a: Into the darkened Morn … (August 18, 2019)

I woke again very early this morning, this time after a quite odd night’s sleep (the office park’s main AC unit kept turning on very loudly – and very coldly – every 45 minutes or so all night) and headed back onto The Road – still joyful to be serving in such a potent way; […]

Day 111b: Getting clean for Compassion … (August 18, 2019)

I ambled easily through the rising Sun and into the outskirts of the town f Kendall Park, where I serendipitously came upon a long-sought-after shower – in the form of the lovely sponge bath I took in the parking lot of the County Veterinary Hospital … “Perhaps the second greatest charm of the pilgrim’s wandering […]

Day 111c: Buddying up to Buddhists … (August 18, 2019)

It didn’t take long for me to get my newly cleansed body back into motion, and it didn’t take long thereafter for me to see an astounding sight off to the roadway’s right – a huge, smooth, glowingly snow-white statue of a Buddha overlooking a home’s back courtyard. The home turned out to be the […]

Day 111d: Hunkering down with Hindus … (August 18, 2019)

Continuing with what would turn out to be a religion-themed day, I next came across the Durga Mandir Temple, essentially one of the primary centers of Hindu worship for all of eastern New Jersey. I had frankly never been to or into a Hindi place of worship before, so smoothly strolled into its still-under-construction grounds […]

Day 111e: Carousing with the Christians … (August 18, 2019)

Thereafter it was into the town of Kingston proper, and one of the very first buildings seen there happened to be the Kingston Presbyterian Church, where the words “God walks with you” were seen boldly emblazoned upon its primary placard. This synchronicity was more than enough for me, and I walked right up its easy […]