Day 110j: No Oligarchy to the rescue … (August 17, 2019)

On & on & on I ambled, sometimes along Highway 1’s wider shoulders, sometimes upon its roadside trails that were almost nonexistent. I had walked quite a ways it seemed, all the way to the outskirts of New Brunswick, when I suddenly became extremely dizzy, and even thought I might pass out on the spot. A Bristol Myers Squibb sign was seen off to my right, and I wobbled over the guardrail and into its large compound’s neighboring grounds, looking for somewhere to get a glass of water and rest (and maybe for someone who would be able to summon medical assistance if the same proved to be needed). Security guard Luke was exceptionally kind to me when I wove up to his guardhouse station, telling me to sit in the shade there to rest, and even giving me his own bag of salted peanuts to eat. Luke’s supervisor then showed up and told me that either I could get up and leave the corporate grounds or she would be forced to call an ambulance for me. I tried to get up and move on and yet was still a bit too wobbly to walk well, so the ambulance was indeed summoned. I was feeling much better by the time the EMT’s (Brittany, Mike, and Bahwan) arrived, and they took my vital signs and told me to walk slower and keep out of the sun (all while openly marveling openly over the nature of my Trek), and we all said our fond farewells and I headed back – much more slowly & yet just as resolutely – to The Road …

What happens when people open their hearts? Everyone gets better … We are healed of our suffering only by experiencing it to the fullest. And we can experience our suffering to the fullest only by extending ourselves to others during the same … In this way our wounds become the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us. In this way our wounds are what make us potent and purposeful … In this way the wound is the place where the Light enters you; while you are emitting the same from the same.” ~ inspired by Haruki Murakami, Marcel Proust, David Richo & Rumi