Day 111e: Carousing with the Christians … (August 18, 2019)

Thereafter it was into the town of Kingston proper, and one of the very first buildings seen there happened to be the Kingston Presbyterian Church, where the words “God walks with you” were seen boldly emblazoned upon its primary placard. This synchronicity was more than enough for me, and I walked right up its easy staircase and into its hallowed hall …

If the Divine gives you a seed, then It expects you to plant it;if the Divine plants a seed for you, the It expects you to water it; if the Divine waters a seed for you, then It expects you to prune it; if the Divine prunes and keeps a sapling for you, then It expects you to harvest it; if the Divine harvests for you, then It expects you to store it; if the Divine stores a harvest for you, then It expects you to keep that treasure safe from mold or rot, and if the Divine keeps a harvest from spoiling, then It expects you to account for the seeds of the same. Life is all about purposefully fulfilling our purpose – about joyfully engaging the tasks we have each been given to do. There is always something available for our higher calling – always some service we can be providing another nearby … This is how the Divine teaches us all how to participate with It in the restoration of all things. This is the mission which connects our unique talents & gifts to the needs of our surroundings. This is how the Divine keeps wooing the Creation back to its Creator.” ~ inspired by Ernest A. Yeboah & Morgan Schmidt