Day 100p: To Friends, a fonder Farewell … (July 23, 2019)

Thereafter, Aron & Lisa & I slowly made our way down the short path to the Mount Gozo hostel where they would be staying that night – with each of us seemingly trying to oh-so-subtly prolong our Friendship by just as gently delaying the parting of our ways. And yet check in to their hostel […]

Day 100q: The first sight of Sanctuary … (July 23, 2019)

And so onward I walked, smoothly down the mountain and into the valley below, where I entered Santiago without incident, and soon saw that for which so many come looking … “The wise treat every step of any journey as its final Destination, and yet know to humbly honor arriving at that journey’s ultimate Destination […]

Day 100r: All those Ifs & Thens … (July 23, 2019)

If animals are awake enough to deserve air conditioners on their transport trucks, then they are also awake enough to never be put into transport trucks … “My own view is that our planet is being used as a penal colony, a lunatic asylum, and a dumping ground by a superior alien civilization; a place […]

Day 100s: In every single Moment … (July 23, 2019)

Santiago’s Church of San Lazio was closed when I passed by, and yet the nearby Capilla de Animas was not. As usual, I entered the latter reverently and was overcome by emotion inside – feeling such an immense wave of Gratitude simultaneously well up and wash over me, after coming such a very long way […]

Day 100t: Into a favorite Garden … (July 23, 2019)

This was & remains one of my all-time favorite Gardens – for its objective lushness & multi-hued beauty, yes, but also for what it symbolizes for me: the ever-open gateway between Life’s greatest Purpose and our own bold walking thereof … “Life’s gift is yours and has been given to you fully. The only question […]

Day 100u: Standing in solemn Solace … (July 23, 2019)

Emotions of reverent gratitude & humble wonderment continued to bubble up and resurface as I walked slowly toward the Santiago Square. Could this be the very same bagpipe player who greeted me at this same location those 10+ years ago? He looks exactly the same, no doubt, and yet far more importantly – my feelings […]

Day 100v: Sauntering on to Sybille’s … (July 23, 2019)

And after a time of sitting in smiling silence, I stood – almost with a shrug – and proceeded towards destinations onward. After all, Santiago was not even close to my ultimate intended port of summons, and I had many more miles to tread … But before the same could be covered, there needed to […]

Day 101a: How to rest while Walking … (July 24, 2019)

Despite my intense desires to get back out onto The Road (I was, after all, ever so close to one of my Walk’s primary objectives – the coast of Spain), Sybille had invited me to stay an extra day and help her out with a few things, and it was an extremely easy decision to […]

Day 101b: Sweetly sanctifying St. Susana … (July 24, 2019)

Sybille woke thereafter and it was soon time for me to accompany her to the Iglesia de Santa Susana, where she organized (and sometimes led) the regular English-languages services there for Santiago’s Anglican Church community. Upon arriving, Sybille unlocked the doors and then asked me to sweep the church’s dusty floor while she got everything […]

Day 101c: A full-filling of Promises … (July 24, 2019)

We returned to Sybille’s place after the service concluded and it was then time for me to head to Santiago’s Cathedral to smoothly & wholeheartedly carry out several tasks promised: among them placing the stone that Alain & Celine had given me back in St. Privat to place on the cathedral wall** for their ill […]

Day 101d: Another prayer for Peace … (July 24, 2019)

And so it was that I said my final promised prayers* at a solitudinous corner of the Cathedral’s outer wall (pictured), and headed back to Sybille’s for an afternoon/evening of wall&window-cleaning in Sybille’s kitchen, some warm fellowship with Sybille herself, and a sincere shout-out to all my world’s Friends & Family online – summoning them […]