Day 100v: Sauntering on to Sybille’s … (July 23, 2019)

And after a time of sitting in smiling silence, I stood – almost with a shrug – and proceeded towards destinations onward. After all, Santiago was not even close to my ultimate intended port of summons, and I had many more miles to tread … But before the same could be covered, there needed to be a place of pausing; a local waystation for my wanderings; one I found with lovely Sybille in her famed and most gracious Santiago hostel, Egeria House* …

The name of this place reminds me that I am merely a custodian, not an owner.” ~ Sybille

Each & every one of us has something great to offer to the world. And to find out the same, all we need to do is to listen to our heart and follow its passion – all we need to do is every day awaken and go forth to bring our talents & gifts to bear upon our community’s greatest needs.” ~ inspired by Prem Jagyasi

Sybille Yates
Rúa do Campo de Santo Antonio, 22/3
15703 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña, Spain

(Egeria was a Western European Christian woman who is widely regarded to be the author of a detailed account of the pilgrimage she made to the Holy Land from 381-386 AD)