Myth #68: “But if we don’t kill them, they’ll starve to death.”

First of all, the world is not going to go vegan overnight. It is going to gradually occur due to a gradual shift in consciousness that is going to gradually build in both frequency and popularity; a tempo of Awakening to which the populations of all domesticated animals will be able to easily adjust. Less […]

Myth #69: “But of we don’t breed them, they will go extinct.”

It is indeed true (sadly) that several species of farmed animals have been bred (and recently even genetically manipulated) to be efficiently used as commodities by us humans. And it is also true that one of the reasons behind the continued existence of these species is humans’ continued breeding of them for selfish and ultimately […]

Myth #70: “But if we don’t cull them, they’ll take over.”

Despite being one of the more popular non-vegan myths, this one simply makes no sense whatsoever. As more & more people inevitably continue to shift to a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle (yahoo!), less & less animals will be bred for slaughter, and herd populations will gradually decrease over time … It’s really that simple. Indeed, even […]

Myth #71: “But killing animals is part of the Circle of Life”

Obligate carnivores & “true omnivores” do kill other animals, and they do so only when they need to in order to survive … Neither of these conditions applies to the vast majority of humans on the planet at this time (certainly not a single one of you currently reading this book).   We humans have no […]

Myth #72: “But our ancestors at meat.”

(also heard as “But we humans have always been hunters.”) Well, our ancient ancestors also raped women, enslaved their enemies and murdered their adversaries, and yet we have fortunately evolved to the point of realizing that these practices — just like abusing, enslaving & murdering other sentient animals — are not acceptable forms of behavior. […]

Myth #73: “But look at my canine teeth.”

First of all, the teeth of true carnivores & meat-oriented omnivores are spaced so as not to trap stringy debris. Their incisors are short, pointed and prong-like for grasping and shredding, their canines are greatly elongated and dagger-like for killing and tearing prey, and their molars are flattened with jagged edges to function like serrated-edged […]

Myth #74: “But humans are natural omnivores.”

Interestingly enough, of all the arguments I have heard by meat-eaters attempting to defend their consumption of flesh, this one seems to be by far the most common –- that somehow our mere ability to digest meat, along with the mere presence of “canines” in the human dental pattern, is enough to justify the imprisonment, […]

Myth #75: “But eating animals is my personal choice.”

(also heard as “But it is my right to eat animals.”) It is true that I myself have no right to criticize the decisions you make that do not infringe on the rights of others, and yet we all have every right (if not every responsibility) to openly defend the innocent by denouncing any & […]

Myth #76: “But there are no moral absolutes.”

If you sincerely believe that the mere words “there are no moral absolutes” or “don’t criticize my personal morality” provide a safe haven for those who wish to continue supporting the confinement, the exploitation and the murder of billions of farmed animals all over the world, then you must also grant the same non-judgmental acceptance […]

Myth #77: “But God authorized us to eat animals.”

(also heard as “But the Bible says it’s OK to eat animals.”) I will admit that this is one of my favorite myths to dissect, for I truly Love discussing the intricacies of the Bible almost as much as I LOVE defending my animal Friends from unjust persecution – and as it just so happens, […]

Myth #77a: “But Jesus ate fish.”

It is indeed true that Jesus appears to support the eating of meat (mostly fish) at a number of points within the Bible’s texts, and there are two ways to go about responding to this claim – first, to gently illuminate the relevant Biblical verses; and second, to humbly assume that this myth is correct […]