Greetings from Puenta la Reina … (09/25/08)

“This entry is dedicated to the amazing beauty of this amazing country, with each hour providing us both with a different yet equally stunning view &/or wonder to behold … It has even inspired Suzanna to create the following poem: I am an already ripened sunflower, Still bowing towards the sun.”

Hello from Zubiri … (09/23/08)

Another journal entry from our Camino de Santiago trail-blog: “On this day, Scaughdt is thankful for:  The Divine (God/Allah/Chi/quantum energy) that resides within everything and binds all of us Together, the Beauty that resides all around us in every moment (if we but choose to LOOK), the Goodness inherent in every Human Being (even though […]

2008 – Hawaii, Milwaukee, Georgia, Idaho, Spain, Utah … (04/07/08)

This was an event-full year of service & travel … I finished up my Hawaiian stint of caring for Bay & Prince (the two dogs for whom I was the caregiver) through May, during which time I took a three-week hiatus in March to travel to the Midwest where I gave a day-long seminar in […]

2007 Chicago & Hawaii … (04/06/08)

I remained in Chicago for the majority of 2007, helping out in a variety of ways — as a nanny for two different families, as a house-sitter and a plant caregiver and as a volunteer for a civil law firm’s “innocence project” (working to get wrongfully convicted men released from prison) … In my “spare […]

2005-2006 Georgia, Idaho, Washington, Chicago … (04/05/08)

After leaving the Big Island in November of 2005 to visit with family and friends in Germany, I returned to Wildwood, Georgia — to the farm of my Mom & Stepfather, in early 2006.  It was then that, after being asked to do so, I relayed to my family members there what I had rediscovered […]

2003 – 2005 Hawaii … (04/04/08)

Upon arriving in Honolulu, I soon realized that the passenger ferries that I was certain carried folks between the various islands did not exist!   So, I had to either come up with a plane ticket to the Big Island or remain indefinitely on Oahu.  Still, after my successful stint selling hand-made hemp & glass jewelry […]

2003 – Tacoma (Washington) … (04/03/08)

After my 45+ day stint in the “spiritual wilds” of southern Mexico, I returned to the United States in search of a place of solitude in which to digest what I had learned and experienced there.  Arriving in San Diego with five dollars to my name, I really didn’t know where that sanctuary would be […]

2003 – Mexico … (04/02/08)

When it became clear that my Purpose this lifetime could not be fulfilled in Germany, I decided to depart and travel the world in search of the place where I could enliven that Calling.  I flew to Oaxaca that summer and proceeded to live “on the streets” of that city in a “banda” — a […]

2001 – 2003 Germany … (04/01/08)

During these last two years of my ten-year stint living in Stuttgart (Germany), I began actively experimenting with “Archetypal Awareness” — essentially learning to access the greater intuitive knowledge at our disposal. I did so by first familiarizing myself with the essential meanings of hundreds of archetypal meanings — numbers, colors, directions, trees, flowers, animals […]