Becoming Enlightened — Part 1 … (02/04/12)


Good morning everyone! After many a moon of writing about Love & selflessness & “Radical Kindness”, I thought it was about time to make it all a bit more practical — to give you each a few simple tasks that will allow you to EXPERIENCE Enlightenment this very weekend, as opposed to merely thinking about it or discussing it.

It is important to note right off the bat… that I do not claim to be “enlightened”. In fact, I would submit that anyone who does claim to be a “Master” is probably not one (radical Humility being a prerequisite for true Mastery) … That having been said, even though I am just a “normal person” like most of you, I DO have access to Enlightenment itself; an access that I am granting you this morning.

First & foremost, the Enlightenment of which I speak is NOT a constant state of pleasure or “happiness”. All of the Masters I follow (Jesus Christ, Buddha, Rumi, Peace Pilgrim, Lao Tsu, Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hahn, Gandhi — to name a few) have noted that there is no such constant State of Being; at least not while we reside in a human body that is programmed to protect itself at all costs — to “survive & procreate” first, and Care for others only thereafter.

What IS available to us all is the EXPERIENCE of our innate Oneness with everything around us — an EXPERIENCE that goes far beyond mere “happiness” or pleasure; an EXPERIENCE that can only be described as Bliss; the perfect, deep-seated Joy that comes when we feel in complete Harmony with everything around us in any given moment.

This Oneness I call Enlightenment, and it is this Oneness that is available to you in every moment of your lives … It is this Oneness that I offer you today. And I will be doing so in a series of three tasks that are simple, short and sweet.

In order to truly know Enlightenment, it will be necessary to do more than think about it, read about it or talk about it — you will have to get up and DO IT. And we will start right now with Task #1: being Kind to a friend.

Think of someone you Love very much, and then go forth and do something Kind for them — ANONYMOUSLY. Don’t ever let them know that it was you who did the Kind deed and, just as importantly, DO NOT TELL ANYONE else of your Kindness.

This act will allow you at least a small taste of the Joy of Enlightenment … Task #2 & Task #3 tomorrow will allow you to deepen your experience thereof, but for now it is enough to get that first taste.

So … enJoy the JOY!!!

P.S. If you need some ideas as to what you can do for your Loved One, you can go to the “Selfless Service Generator” on my website … (

Simply keep hitting the green random generator button until a Task pops up that appeals to you, and then go do that Task for your Friend; remembering, of course, that the more difficult the Task, the more powerful it will be — both for your Friend as well as for yourSelf.