AGBS week #5: a Crucifixion conspiracy (04/14/10)

Class #5 began by answering some questions related to Week 4 materials & concepts (including a brief look into the authors of the NT epistles, an in-depth examination of John 5:21, an analysis of Jesus’ “sword” in Matthew 10:34, an illumination of what it means to do something “in Christ’s/Jesus’ name”, and an examination of the deeper implications of John 14:1).  Thereafter, the majority of the evening looked deeply into the many verses showing an equally valid alternative interpretation to Jesus’ crucifixion:  that he pre-arranged the entire event Purpose-fully (and lovingly).

link to live in-class recordings:

link to Week 5 supplemental recordings:

link to AGBS course handouts:

There is more than enough to see a bigger Jesus