AGBS week 3: Genesis re-Born (03/31/10)

Class #3 began by answering some questions related to Week 2 materials & concepts (including a fresh look at what it means to be a Christian, some tips of color-coding the Bible for easier reading, a look at how the word “death” is used in the New Testament, and what Jesus meant by writing in the dust in John 8).  Thereafter, the majority of the evening delved deeply into some cutting-edge research related to the book of Genesis — most significantly how the ancient Hebrew supports reading the English words “God” and “LORD” not as synonyms for God, but rather as two “rival” spiritual forces (with “God” being the Hebrew “Elohim” — or “gods/fallen angels, and “LORD” being the Hebrew “YHWH” — or “Source”).

link to live in-class recordings:

link to Week 3 supplemental recordings:

link to AGBS course handouts:

Understanding comes from action, not study