Peace is reveling in the IS … (11/05/11)

“The artist is extremely lucky who is presented with the worst possible ordeal which will not actually kill him. At that point he is in business.” ~ John Barrymore

Pain is an integral part of living, and yet our suffering is not. Our suffering comes from OUR choices; from refusing to see that pain is part of the process of awakening; that discomfort is a necessary facet of our reawakening. Without the challenge of pain, we would never let go of all that “could be” or “should be”; we would never choose to embrace the life that already IS.

“It is not frustrating to be where one is. It is only frustrating to think one would like to be somewhere else.” ~ John Cage

Indeed, there is no more important task than the one waiting already before you … There is no more important Love to give than to the person(s) with whom you already share your life. There is no “better job” to do, and no “perfect partner” for us to find. The Peace of Meaning in life comes not from finding “something better”, but from opening up to what is already here.

“Jump.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Every one of our frustrations comes solely from striving to find & fill “bigger” & “better” shoes …

… the very shoes that life has already placed upon our feet.

We don’t need new shoes.

We simply need to get up & courageously set forth in the ones we are already wearing.

Happy trails, my Friends.