Love anyway … (11/04/11)

I think it is clear to us all that Love is not a warm feeling you have for someone, but is actually a caring deed you DO for them. And I see many people these days — more every day — who are engaging acts of Love as opposed to merely maintaining “fuzzy thoughts”. This is a good thing in-deed.

“The road to holiness always passes through the realm of action.” ~ Dag Hammarskjoeld

“All who Love …would win must give it …
Love was born a twin.” ~ inspired by Byron

And yet I think it is also clear to you all that the only Love that is powerful is the Love that is difficult to give. After all, who really takes notice when we hug a best friend or wish a Lover well from afar? These are good things to do, of course (keep doing them!), AND they are also not powerful deeds — they do not bring about real Peace and they do not enliven real Love.

“Strive to rediscover your true, honest, untheoretical Self.” ~ Brenda Ueland

No, real Love is born and lives only in the moments we do not wish to do a kind deed, and yet reach out to do that deed anyway.

It is born when we set aside a large chunk of time to speak with a Loved one, instead of doing “more important” tasks or meeting “more important” people … And it is born when we so wish to speak with a Loved one and yet do not call him, instead of rightfully demanding his time.

It is born when we gently hold a Lover, instead of going to sleep because we are exhausted from a long day’s work … And it is born when we let a tired Lover sleep, instead of reaching out to be held.

It is born when we sit down next to a beggar and speak with her, instead of dropping some change and walking away … And it is born when we gently forgive an enemy who is harming us, instead of reasonably lashing out in self-defense.

There are many more examples, of course, but I think you get the point …

We have not been offered this amazingly Beauty-filled life merely to revel in it for as long as possible (though reveling in life is awesome & I highly recommend it!) … No, we have ALSO been given this miraculous life to use the limited time we have in it to give others the Love that is difficult for us to give.

This is what it means to live a “holy life” …
This is what it means to rediscover your “untheoretical self” …
In-deed, this is what it means to Love.

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.” ~ inspired by Erica Long