Love lives only Now … (06/03/11)

The main thing is the kind thoughts we are to have. So instead of trying to still the mind, I used the mind to have kind thoughts.

As I did this I noticed that I was ONE with the kindness, so to speak. There was a feeling of being bigger than the body and just being as the kindness. This seemed much better to me than just making the mind still. I have been attempting to still the mind for years and at times it works, but most of the time it just feels more dead than alive. But last night, with the kind thoughts, there was an aliveness — and even at times the mind was quiet but happy, peaceful and kind .

Another thing … My body was aching for some reason. Instead of focusing on the pain or wanting the pain to stop, I simply said a prayer to use my body to radiate Love. As I did this the pain lessened — at least my awareness of the pain lessened, to where it just did not matter.

Another thing … This morning I was taking some home-made soup that I prepared to a sick little elderly lady that is shut in and a bit depressed.  While doing so, my body felt more energetic and my mind more at peace and happy than it did when I was “wondering what should I do” …
I think the ego LOVES to ask the question, “What should I do?” because while we are asking that question, we are waiting for some HUGE super natural answer — an answer that often never comes.  And yet in just looking in that moment, we find the small things that in truth are the answer.

My problem had been this: I was looking for the path instead of the step. I know now that I am to  look for and take the step instead of looking for the path. Because I think in truth we are all on the path already. We just need to take the steps — one step at a time, NOW & HERE.

I was the one that had looked for and found something to do that was kind for another….the moment that I found it, my ego said, “Well, I’ll do it later. I don’t feel like it right now.”  But I caught this and I pushed through anyway… And guess what — I DID just fine. And I actually received energy after doing the kind thing.

I do have to be careful, though … I have to avoid the mistake of doing it for the energy I get.  When the ego tries to think about itself in this way, I just say, “This is not about me, this is not about MY body, this is about doing what I AM here to do, which is to serve.”
That’s it. I’m not here to judge, I’m not here to complain, I’m not here to “better my self” or to “better” another…
I’m here to Love and to Serve.
I have no idea if I can do it in the “future”…
I just know that I am doing it NOW.
~ Angie “Dale”