When in doubt, DO … (06/03/17)

The unknown breeds uncertainty — creates doubt — birthes anxiety — and ultimately leads to paralysis. And the unknown is a constant — surrounding us in every moment of our lives. And this means that unless we are careful — indeed, unless we are boldly Care-full — we will remained paralyzed; essentially dead to life; living to survive instead of venturing forth to thrive; striving for safety instead of risking comfort to Love and Care.

There is no escape from doubt other than to Leap Anyway, my Friends … There is no escape from fear other than to face the terror, there is no escape from doubt other than to bravely DO, and there is no escape from uncertainty other than to harness the same in acts of faith-full boldness.

You will be confronted ever anew by doubt, my Friends — ever immersed in anxiety about what might happen if we act and ever soaked in worry for what might be if we don’t … And whenever you find yourself in that place of inner trembling, remember to take a step anyway — anywhere — towards anyone; towards the one nearest by, and in any way that might — just might — bring them Peace or Joy.

Just listen to the beat of your Heart and improvise in line with its rhythm — saunter smoothly to its cadence — bounce & bob along willingly with its groove. For in the end it doesn’t matter what you do for others — in only matter that you DO do for them.