Day 126d: What every road ever Knows … (September 02, 2019)

With every journey there is a new lesson learned, every place traveled, explored; makes us in fall in Love with the Earth anew. So care less about your whereabouts, and just keep the expedition going. Because we want to go far beyond the civilized, far beyond those merely living, far beyond the world of predictability, far beyond the divisions of them and me and you – deep into the wild Oneness of us and we and all. Feasting the eyes on omnipresent Beauty, rejuvenating our senses freshly dunked into the Moment, every breath we take becomes a wholehearted sigh of relief and we make Peace with everything and everyone again & again & again. Choosing the roads less traveled, our wandering Souls make our way towards an ever-unknown destination, not only to rediscover & re-unveil ourselves but also to rediscover & re-unveil the brilliant, pulsing, scintillating, spinning, whirling, wonder that is our Mother Earth and every single one Her children living upon Her … And with this all in mind, we remember that roads do not know the length of their journey, and that true the travelers must simply keep on traveling. Indeed, like Life for the liver, so the road must be for the pilgrim.” ~ inspired by Pushpa Rana & Avijeet Das