Day 122f: Finding more family in Frederick … (August 29, 2019)

I then passed the Monocacy Valley Church (“Living out God’s passion for People” sounded nice, bus wasn’t that claim at least a bit pretentious?) and walked both into & through the town of Spring Ridge before I finally saw the city of Frederick on the horizon. I made it quite easily into the center of town, where I intuitively stopped in to first the local library and then Juliet’s Italian Market across the way, where owner Juliet was at first highly skeptical of yours truly*, but then who – to her great credit – first let me sit for awhile at one of her shaded sidewalk tables and then offered me a delicious dinner to go as well (!!!) …

* “Thank you so much!” ~ Me
“No problem – anything for a nomad [said with a wink]. So, what are you – some sort of Jesus freak?” ~ Juliet
“Actually no, not a Christian one anyway. Though I will admit that the man did have quite a few amazing things to say about Kindness & Community, am I right?” ~ Me

I suppose what I mean is, it feels like we are all part of a real MOVEMENT. It feels like there’s a swirling, shining wind of change sweeping right over us, sweeping over you and me and everyone. It feels like there is something that transcends us all, that goes beyond whatever we think we are, something that is Great and Whole and Harmonious and Good. Great, because when it all comes together it’s so much more than its mere individual pieces. Whole, because we’re all equally part of it. Harmonious, because it is a flow that is all about We instead of Me. And Good, because at its core is a source of pure kindness and courage … I guess what it all boils down to is the village is coming back, whether we like it or not.” ~ inspired by Simon Cheshire & David Brin