Day 122b: A not so subtle Sainthood … (August 29, 2019)

I continued on Old Frederick Road and found myself wondering aloud how we can know when a road is dangerous when walking alongside a major Interstate would have been a far safer & smoother alternative. I then saw a sign for the Damascus Road Community Church and decide to head up its long drive to see what I could see, and maybe just find a shaded bench upon which to rest. It turned out that Denita & Sue were on hand (cleaning up the front offices and generally sprucing up the place) and that turned out to be quite the blessing indeed, as they heard an abbreviated explanation of my Walk and proceeded to invite me inside to ‘shower’ and change my clothes in the exceptionally clean main foyer bathroom. We then engaged in some lively & kind banter about all sorts of topics – religious* and otherwise** and then they filled up a bag of vegan snacks (apparently from the overflowing Sunday school pantry) and sent me filled with gratitude back out onto The Way …

*“Are you a Christian?” ~ Sue “Well, most Christians would say that I’m not, but I’m pretty sure that Jesus would say that I am.” ~ Me

**“What do you think about the immigrant problem?” ~ Denita “I think that seeing them as a problem is the problem.” ~ Me

Theologians talk about a prevenient grace that precedes Grace itself – an inner Knowing that allows us to notice and accept the same. Well I think there must also be a prevenient bravery that allows us to be truly Courageous – that is, to acknowledge that there is more beauty than our eyes can bear, that precious things have been put into our hands & minds with which we are to Care & Give & Serve & Love, and that to do nothing to honor the same is to actually do great harm. Indeed, it is Courage that allows us to make ourselves useful to those in need, and it is Courage that allows us to be generous – which is another way of saying exactly the same thing … We can’t worry about the rest of the world, much less the rest of the Universe. All we can do is look to our left and our right in every moment and try to Be Kind to whomever is living there.” ~ inspired by Marilynne Robinson & Rowan Coleman