Day 122a: Ever groggily onward … (August 29, 2019)

I was still pretty exhausted when I rose from the bench in front of the vet’s office and stumbled back out onto The Road, and I actually found myself sleep-walking for significant intermittent swaths of Old Frederick Road until I finally entered the town of Mt. Airy and snoozed for another hour on a Starbucks patio lounge chair. Still, about an hour was all my brain afforded me (whether due to simple uncomfortability or more deep-seated feelings of dis-ease, I don’t know) and I rose to groggily tread onward into my next new morning …

A notable Tibetan sage once noted that Emptiness is the track on which the centered person fluidly moves – with that ‘track’ maybe being a footpath worn into a stony mountainside by thousands of previous pilgrims’ feet, or maybe the scarred hollow in the ground where a solid citadel had once stood, or maybe the channel worn through rock where a river runs in flood, or maybe even the indentation in a grassy meadow where an animal had slept the previous night … For walk where we will, we ever tread upon some prior-lived story. And walk however we will, a new tale is written by our walking.” ~ inspired by Rebecca Solnit & Marcus T. Cicero