Day 114b: Too tired to rest rightly … (August 21, 2019)

The Sun began to slowly rise as I began to enter Philadelphia proper, and I found myself still walking into the coming dawn when I came upon a full-fledged rest-stop gas station. And even though there were places to rest inside that were exponentially more comfortable, I found myself almost too tired to enter, and instead slumped down outside the convenience store there and fell sound asleep pseudo-upright in the pictured chair …

We are aware that the Order of the Cosmos requires the exercise of humility, and yet not of self-abasing servility of slaves; but rather the humility that can be associated with undoubted courage and unflinching integrity. At the same time, within this greater Humility there is no room for pride or self-sufficience, the hubris that relies solely upon its own capabilities, and refuses to look for the support of one’s surroundings or the synchronicities therein … Humility requires us to Love the life we have been given and the tasks we have been given to fulfill. And it requires in equal measure that we be humbled by that same life while fulfilling those tasks most humbly. With this ever in mind, life is never to be despised, nor your missions in any way to be loathed.” ~ inspired by John Widtsoe & G. Willow Wilson