Day 113l: Finally arriving at Nowhere … (August 20, 2019)

And the finite night continued to feel endless, with me ambling on & in & on into the still-thickened gloom; finally getting very close to Philadelphia (I could tell from the throbbing noise and the growing glow both humming from the near horizon), where a few kind locals helped this shaggy, late-night pilgrim find his way to Aramingo Avenue, which led me directly towards the heart of Philly proper. It was still dark when I later arrived at the pictured gas station on the outskirts of the city of brotherly love, and collapsed on the picture bench for a few hours of blessed (though not so brotherly) respite …

It’s the ‘everyday’ experiences we encounter along the journey towards Who we want to Be that ultimately define Who we Are once we get there … Frankly, I prefer the ground to any pedestal; the stability of being an interconnected part of the One over the wavering whimsy of being adored from on high … I am confident because I am a child of God, yes, and yet I am humble because I know everyone else is as well … Humility is a Divine property and the perfection of any spiritual life. It is attained through obedience to one’s conscience – that moral summons that demands us all to ever serve rather be served.” ~ inspired by Aaron Lauritsen, Abhijit Naskar, Glennon Melton & Thaddeus of Vivovnica