Day 113e: The Light within the Dark Side … (August 20, 2019)

Onward I ambled thereafter, all the way to an auto-shop where Natalie & her husband (from Belarus) were equally amazed by my endeavor, and showered me with food and water and encouragement – and the parting gift of a Star Wars hat …

The Polish journalist Ryszard Kapuscinski, acclaimed as the most brilliant and perceptive reporter of his time, once wrote that with every new town visited, with every new face seen, and with every new word exchanged or learned, the traveler experiences a steady series of almost imperceptible shifts in his or her self. Indeed, wherever we go becomes part of us all, and the person who returns home from our pilgrimaging is never the same as before he or she departed. Getting to know new people is in many ways like traveling as well, and those who we meet along our road become part of our existence just as well … And so, at the last stop before every road bends and enters the endless forest, we can all remember that what we have in common with others ever looms larger than what strives to separate us.” ~ inspired by Mateo Cabello & Alain de Botton