Day 109b: Finding HOME in Hoboken … (August 16, 2019)

I made it without incident into the town of Hoboken and ask three wandering youths the best walking route to Jersey City. They were kind enough in their intentions, and yet wholly clueless about local geography, as their advice sent me headlong into one dead-end after another. And yet true to this Walk’s miraculous form, the “worst way” they offered ended up leading me to the very best place that night – namely the Saint Lawrence Roman Catholic Church, the lovely garden courtyard of which I serendipitously saw while walking past, and the surprisingly comfortable picnic table therein I gratefully used as that night’s place of rest & slumber …

If I had one sermon to preach, it would be a sermon against the callousness that comes from pride. In truth, the more I see of the world the more I am convinced of the reality of the age-old religious thesis that all evil began with some vain attempt at superiority; some moment or raw hubris when the very skies were cracked across like a mirror because of an angel’s sneer in Heaven – a soft sense of cherubic entitlement that gave steady way to spiritual & then material greed …The highest glory of us as sentient entities comes while remembering that we are only vessel for the Divine; that we are here not to reap or be rewarded but rather to receive and enjoy and show forth the all-loving glory of God. And we can do this only when we are willing to be as nothing with others, nothing for our own intents & purposes, that we might be all to those nearby. We would do quite well indeed to remember that water always fills first the lowest of places. Similarly, the lower a man lies before others, the smoother and the fuller will be the inflow of God’s glory through him.” ~ inspired by G. K. Chesterton & Andre Murray