Day 107l: When the way remakes the Walker … (July 30, 2019)

Pilgrimage is just as much a journey inward as it is a journey out. As we soar the skies and sail the waters and crack the undisturbed soils of the earth, we too delve into our own memories’ caverns, peek around the corners of our own dreams, tremble before our fire-breathing terrors, axe to splinters our biases and judgments and beliefs, and thereby discover the uncharted wonders of the love that lives in our hearts … Pilgrimage, then, is a walk that ultimately outgrows its motives and quite soon proves sufficient in itself. Pilgrimage – to the degree that one uses it to deeply embrace those well-met along the way – ceases being a trip and becomes a living. It is no longer you making a journey, but your life making (or unmaking, or re-making) you.” ~ via Yousef Alqamoussi & Nicolas Bouvier